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Capture videos from your applicants to pre-screen them faster

With Stitched Story for Applicant Preview, you can SEE & HEAR the applicant before bringing them in for a face to face interview.

Get Video Content Fast and Easily

How It Works
Write the Prompts

Write questions or prompts to guide your applicant with what to show and say.

Share the Link

A link is all your users need to start recording. They simply open it on any mobile device or computer

Use the Videos

You will be updated in real-time as the videos come in for you to watch

Record pre-interviews no matter where your applicants are.


Optimize Your Time

Reduce the total amount of time you spend interviewing applicants face to face. Use preview videos to screen out those applicants who do not possess the required background, skills, or any other qualifying factors.

See & Hear Before Meeting

Before you bring them in for a face to face interview, find out if the applicant can handle the pressure of completing the questions in the allotted time and if they can think on their feet. This will save you the time of interviewing someone who will probably not work out.


Equal Opportunity

Creating a standardized set of questions for each job will ensure each applicant receives an equal opportunity for employment as the results are not affected by the interviewer asking the questions one specific way one time and a completely different way at another time. It will allow for the best applicants to earn their face to face interview based on their video response.


Save time by quickly pre-screening your applicants


Our Features

Flexible Use-Cases

Stitched Story can be used to create content for testimonials, product reviews, user stories, experiences, fund raising and just about any other use case you can think of.

Affordable Price Point

Create your own mini-marketing campaign for a fraction of the cost compared to using a private video company.

Cloud Hosted Solution

Stitched Story handles all of the technical details for you so you can focus on growing your business. Using leading cloud technology, Stitched Story is built to scale with your needs.

Intuitive User Experience

Stitched Story is designed to make each step clear and easy to complete. Creating engaging content remains your focus because the workflow is intuitive and clean.

Fast Campaign Building

Campaigns can be created with minimal turnaround, providing you the ability to take quick advantage of new opportunities as they present themselves.

Social Media Integration

Leverage social media platforms with just one click to distribute your videos. Also, use your other sales channels to share your videos.

Request demo
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To schedule a product demo with one of our product consultants, please fill in your contact details

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